12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
19641 calciphilous 6,070 achilopsu 9 19,640
19642 profilograph 6,070 afghilopr 9 19,642
19643 obsequiously 6,070 beiloqsuy 9 19,643
19644 hypochlorous 6,068 chloprsuy 9 19,644
19645 chrysamminic 6,066 achimnrsy 9 19,645
19646 underlyingly 6,066 degilnruy 9 19,646
19647 specifically 6,065 acefilpsy 9 19,647
19648 coprophagous 6,064 acghoprsu 9 19,648
19649 philographic 6,064 acghilopr 9 19,649
19650 unsubscribed 6,063 bcdeinrsu 9 19,654
19651 globulinuria 6,063 abgilnoru 9 19,652
19652 subdividable 6,063 abdeilsuv 9 19,651
19653 schizopodous 6,063 cdhiopsuz 9 19,650
19654 auxochromous 6,063 achmorsux 9 19,653
19655 misfocussing 6,062 cfgimnosu 9 19,655
19656 pyramidalism 6,061 adilmprsy 9 19,659
19657 monogamously 6,061 aglmnosuy 9 19,656
19658 undulatingly 6,061 adgilntuy 9 19,657
19659 unequalizing 6,061 aegilnquz 9 19,658
19660 compunctious 6,061 cimnopstu 9 19,660