12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
19701 incompliancy 6,026 acilmnopy 9 19,700
19702 bilingualism 6,025 abgilmnsu 9 19,702
19703 unphilologic 6,025 cghilnopu 9 19,703
19704 perplexingly 6,023 egilnprxy 9 19,704
19705 workingwoman 6,022 agikmnorw 9 19,705
19706 equilibriums 6,020 beilmqrsu 9 19,707
19707 hyperpyramid 6,020 adehimpry 9 19,708
19708 bulbonuclear 6,020 abcelnoru 9 19,706
19709 polycephalic 6,018 acehilopy 9 19,709
19710 schoolboydom 6,014 bcdhlmosy 9 19,710
19711 hydromorphic 6,012 cdhimopry 9 19,711
19712 hypsicephaly 6,012 acehilpsy 9 19,712
19713 phylactocarp 6,011 achloprty 9 19,713
19714 unmusicianly 6,009 acilmnsuy 9 19,714
19715 unsuspectful 6,008 ceflnpstu 9 19,715
19716 polyphonical 6,008 achilnopy 9 19,716
19717 conjunctural 6,008 acjlnortu 9 19,717
19718 subscribable 6,007 abceilrsu 9 19,718
19719 psychonomics 6,006 chimnopsy 9 19,719
19720 handclapping 6,005 acdghilnp 9 19,721