12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
19661 lacklustrous 6,060 acklorstu 9 19,662
19662 speckledbill 6,060 bcdeiklps 9 19,661
19663 philocynical 6,060 achilnopy 9 19,664
19664 laryngologic 6,060 acgilnory 9 19,663
19665 languorously 6,059 aglnorsuy 9 19,665
19666 disgustingly 6,058 dgilnstuy 9 19,666
19667 homozygosity 6,058 ghimostyz 9 19,668
19668 hylomorphous 6,058 hlmoprsuy 9 19,667
19669 indissolubly 6,057 bdilnosuy 9 19,669
19670 caricography 6,057 acghiopry 9 19,670
19671 polyphyletic 6,056 cehilopty 9 19,672
19672 unpugilistic 6,056 cgilnpstu 9 19,671
19673 glossopodium 6,055 dgilmopsu 9 19,673
19674 hydrofluorid 6,054 dfhiloruy 9 19,674
19675 flickerproof 6,053 cefiklopr 9 19,675
19676 infundibular 6,051 abdfilnru 9 19,676
19677 multivolumed 6,048 deilmotuv 9 19,679
19678 polyarchical 6,048 achilopry 9 19,677
19679 strumiprivic 6,048 cimprstuv 9 19,678
19680 judicialized 6,045 acdeijluz 9 19,680