12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
19881 subglobosity 5,831 bgilostuy 9 19,881
19882 glassblowing 5,822 abgilnosw 9 19,882
19883 slumberously 5,821 belmorsuy 9 19,883
19884 afflictingly 5,820 acfgilnty 9 19,884
19885 psychorhythm 5,820 chmoprsty 9 19,885
19886 accomplicity 5,817 acilmopty 9 19,886
19887 bivoluminous 5,816 bilmnosuv 9 19,887
19888 windowmaking 5,815 adgikmnow 9 19,888
19889 furunculosis 5,815 cfilnorsu 9 19,889
19890 springmaking 5,812 agikmnprs 9 19,890
19891 ammonolyzing 5,810 agilmnoyz 9 19,892
19892 impromptuary 5,810 aimoprtuy 9 19,891
19893 unupbraiding 5,808 abdginpru 9 19,893
19894 photoglyphic 5,808 cghilopty 9 19,894
19895 unimplicitly 5,807 cilmnptuy 9 19,895
19896 supramaximal 5,804 ailmprsux 9 19,896
19897 unslothfully 5,804 fhlnostuy 9 19,897
19898 gryphosaurus 5,804 aghoprsuy 9 19,898
19899 woodchopping 5,801 cdghinopw 9 19,899
19900 cubistically 5,798 abcilstuy 9 19,900