12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
19821 billsticking 5,914 bcgiklnst 9 19,821
19822 calcographic 5,913 acghilopr 9 19,822
19823 accompanying 5,912 acgimnopy 9 19,823
19824 parapsychism 5,912 achimprsy 9 19,824
19825 ithyphyllous 5,909 hilopstuy 9 19,825
19826 bescribbling 5,908 bcegilnrs 9 19,826
19827 fluoroscopic 5,905 cfiloprsu 9 19,828
19828 bronchoscopy 5,905 bchnoprsy 9 19,827
19829 misimproving 5,904 gimnoprsv 9 19,829
19830 pachyglossal 5,903 acghlopsy 9 19,830
19831 unexculpable 5,902 abcelnpux 9 19,831
19832 circumfusile 5,901 cefilmrsu 9 19,832
19833 salubriously 5,901 abilorsuy 9 19,833
19834 surprisingly 5,899 gilnprsuy 9 19,834
19835 sphygmoscope 5,896 ceghmopsy 9 19,835
19836 cryptogramma 5,895 acgmoprty 9 19,836
19837 omphalopagus 5,894 aghlmopsu 9 19,838
19838 schizophytic 5,894 chiopstyz 9 19,837
19839 clairvoyancy 5,893 acilnorvy 9 19,840
19840 myofibrillar 5,893 abfilmory 9 19,839