12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
19841 phytobiology 5,891 bghilopty 9 19,842
19842 brachyfacial 5,891 abcfhilry 9 19,841
19843 hydrargyrism 5,887 adghimrsy 9 19,843
19844 psychophobia 5,886 abchiopsy 9 19,844
19845 quadrumanous 5,885 admnoqrsu 9 19,845
19846 unsuicidally 5,883 acdilnsuy 9 19,846
19847 microfilming 5,882 cfgilmnor 9 19,847
19848 somnambulism 5,880 abilmnosu 9 19,848
19849 blackcurrant 5,879 abcklnrtu 9 19,849
19850 noncomplying 5,878 cgilmnopy 9 19,850
19851 hypsochromic 5,877 chimoprsy 9 19,851
19852 unflavourous 5,876 aflnorsuv 9 19,854
19853 cruciformity 5,876 cfimortuy 9 19,852
19854 microphysics 5,876 chimoprsy 9 19,853
19855 stumblebunny 5,874 belmnstuy 9 19,855
19856 fluoaluminic 5,871 acfilmnou 9 19,856
19857 houghmagandy 5,869 adghmnouy 9 19,857
19858 postmultiply 5,867 ilmopstuy 9 19,858
19859 schizocarpic 5,866 achioprsz 9 19,859
19860 chromicizing 5,863 cghimnorz 9 19,860