10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
9181 latiniform 6,138 afilmnort 9 7,907
9182 unabsolute 6,138 abelnostu 9 7,905
9183 prosternum 6,138 emnoprstu 9 7,902
9184 responding 6,138 deginoprs 9 7,904
9185 readingdom 6,138 adegimnor 9 7,903
9186 jimsonweed 6,138 deijmnosw 9 7,906
9187 spheroidic 6,139 cdehioprs 9 7,895
9188 mythiciser 6,139 cehimrsty 9 7,891
9189 isadnormal 6,139 adilmnors 9 7,897
9190 prevesical 6,139 aceilprsv 9 7,899
9191 projection 6,139 ceijnoprt 9 7,900
9192 syncretism 6,139 ceimnrsty 9 7,894
9193 undefiable 6,139 abdefilnu 9 7,896
9194 chilostoma 6,139 achilmost 9 7,893
9195 necrophaga 6,139 aceghnopr 9 7,892
9196 pulverated 6,139 adelprtuv 9 7,901
9197 luminative 6,139 aeilmntuv 9 7,898
9198 rescrutiny 6,140 ceinrstuy 9 7,889
9199 cankerwort 6,140 aceknortw 9 7,883
9200 polystomea 6,140 aelmopsty 9 7,887