10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
9241 strychnina 6,147 achinrsty 9 7,838
9242 readvising 6,147 adeginrsv 9 7,840
9243 coryphaena 6,147 acehnopry 9 7,843
9244 germanized 6,147 adegimnrz 9 7,837
9245 omophagies 6,147 aeghimops 9 7,846
9246 tichodroma 6,147 acdhimort 9 7,845
9247 chromatoid 6,147 acdhimort 9 7,842
9248 xanthopsia 6,147 ahinopstx 9 7,844
9249 organzined 6,147 adeginorz 9 7,847
9250 absolution 6,147 abilnostu 9 7,848
9251 lacustrian 6,147 acilnrstu 9 7,839
9252 balatronic 6,148 abcilnort 9 7,833
9253 frictional 6,148 acfilnort 9 7,836
9254 stringency 6,148 ceginrsty 9 7,831
9255 endosulfan 6,148 adeflnosu 9 7,835
9256 tzarevitch 6,148 acehirtvz 9 7,834
9257 adjustment 6,148 adejmnstu 9 7,832
9258 alpinesque 6,149 aeilnpqsu 9 7,829
9259 sardonical 6,149 acdilnors 9 7,830
9260 apodictive 6,150 acdeioptv 9 7,827