10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
9201 growthless 6,140 eghlorstw 9 7,886
9202 overdosing 6,140 deginorsv 9 7,890
9203 fieldmouse 6,140 defilmosu 9 7,885
9204 centiplume 6,140 ceilmnptu 9 7,884
9205 preinsular 6,140 aeilnprsu 9 7,888
9206 cipherable 6,141 abcehilpr 9 7,879
9207 secularize 6,141 aceilrsuz 9 7,882
9208 carbondale 6,141 abcdelnor 9 7,878
9209 decrepitly 6,141 cdeilprty 9 7,881
9210 vestigiary 6,141 aegirstvy 9 7,876
9211 curbstones 6,141 bcenorstu 9 7,880
9212 brehonship 6,141 behinoprs 9 7,877
9213 gyrational 6,142 agilnorty 9 7,872
9214 dittograph 6,142 adghioprt 9 7,869
9215 freeloving 6,142 efgilnorv 9 7,871
9216 governable 6,142 abeglnorv 9 7,873
9217 epicranius 6,142 aceinprsu 9 7,870
9218 unharbored 6,142 abdehnoru 9 7,875
9219 unabhorred 6,142 abdehnoru 9 7,874
9220 verbomania 6,143 abeimnorv 9 7,864