12 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
25561 tetrodotoxin 8,713 deinortx 8 21,215
25562 psittacinite 8,713 aceinpst 8 21,213
25563 unrefinement 8,713 efimnrtu 8 21,216
25564 stomatodaeal 8,713 adelmost 8 21,214
25565 amenorrhoeal 8,714 aehlmnor 8 21,209
25566 neencephalon 8,714 acehlnop 8 21,211
25567 orthodontist 8,714 dhinorst 8 21,212
25568 melanorrhoea 8,714 aehlmnor 8 21,210
25569 abalienation 8,715 abeilnot 8 21,207
25570 basementless 8,715 abelmnst 8 21,208
25571 isoteniscope 8,716 ceinopst 8 21,205
25572 preincarnate 8,716 aceinprt 8 21,206
25573 coeliorrhoea 8,716 acehilor 8 21,204
25574 enantobiosis 8,717 abeinost 8 21,202
25575 tessellating 8,717 aegilnst 8 21,203
25576 laterigradae 8,718 adegilrt 8 21,200
25577 exallotriote 8,718 aeilortx 8 21,201
25578 nonpermanent 8,719 aemnoprt 8 21,199
25579 legitimatise 8,719 aegilmst 8 21,198
25580 stationarity 8,720 ainorsty 8 21,197