12 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
25621 rearticulate 8,740 aceilrtu 8 21,156
25622 spectrometer 8,740 cemoprst 8 21,158
25623 protocaseose 8,741 aceoprst 8 21,154
25624 katharometer 8,742 aehkmort 8 21,153
25625 anagenetical 8,743 acegilnt 8 21,151
25626 thermosphere 8,743 ehmoprst 8 21,152
25627 unheightened 8,744 deghintu 8 21,149
25628 minesweepers 8,744 eimnprsw 8 21,150
25629 enslavements 8,744 aelmnstv 8 21,148
25630 creatureless 8,745 acelrstu 8 21,147
25631 hairlessness 8,746 aehilnrs 8 21,145
25632 algaesthesis 8,746 aeghilst 8 21,146
25633 streetwalker 8,746 aeklrstw 8 21,143
25634 unpetitioned 8,746 deinoptu 8 21,144
25635 peritrichate 8,747 acehiprt 8 21,141
25636 stalactitied 8,747 acdeilst 8 21,142
25637 potentiating 8,749 aeginopt 8 21,140
25638 tuberosities 8,749 beiorstu 8 21,138
25639 interceptive 8,749 ceinprtv 8 21,139
25640 ceratothecal 8,750 acehlort 8 21,136