12 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
25601 incendiaries 8,732 acdeinrs 8 21,177
25602 sexagenaries 8,734 aeginrsx 8 21,175
25603 retumescence 8,734 cemnrstu 8 21,174
25604 metrosideros 8,734 deimorst 8 21,171
25605 nonstringent 8,734 eginorst 8 21,172
25606 precelebrate 8,734 abcelprt 8 21,173
25607 nonrecessive 8,735 ceinorsv 8 21,169
25608 sensifacient 8,735 acefinst 8 21,168
25609 overniceness 8,735 ceinorsv 8 21,170
25610 uncheeriness 8,736 cehinrsu 8 21,167
25611 inostensible 8,737 beilnost 8 21,166
25612 interpellant 8,737 aeilnprt 8 21,164
25613 monotessaron 8,737 aemnorst 8 21,165
25614 superdeities 8,738 deiprstu 8 21,161
25615 incarcerates 8,738 aceinrst 8 21,162
25616 invertebrata 8,738 abeinrtv 8 21,163
25617 tortricoidea 8,739 acdeiort 8 21,160
25618 nonagreeable 8,740 abeglnor 8 21,157
25619 heterotropic 8,740 cehioprt 8 21,159
25620 phoenicaceae 8,740 acehinop 8 21,155