12 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
26941 misarranging 6,975 agimnrs 7 28,435
26942 checkerberry 6,975 bcehkry 7 28,438
26943 homoeomorphy 6,975 ehmopry 7 28,436
26944 nonocclusion 6,976 cilnosu 7 28,434
26945 prochorionic 6,981 chinopr 7 28,433
26946 barbarianism 6,984 abimnrs 7 28,432
26947 katakiribori 6,986 abikort 7 28,430
26948 favellilidia 6,986 adefilv 7 28,431
26949 cystoschisis 6,997 chiosty 7 28,429
26950 cinchonising 7,011 cghinos 7 28,428
26951 snubbishness 7,013 behinsu 7 28,426
26952 oscilloscope 7,013 ceilops 7 28,427
26953 arglebargled 7,015 abdeglr 7 28,425
26954 trichophoric 7,020 chioprt 7 28,424
26955 palatoplasty 7,023 alopsty 7 28,423
26956 nonofficinal 7,024 acfilno 7 28,422
26957 uncontinuous 7,025 cinostu 7 28,421
26958 microconodon 7,030 cdimnor 7 28,420
26959 sesquisquare 7,031 aeiqrsu 7 28,419
26960 sponsorships 7,032 hinoprs 7 28,418