12 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
26961 rubbernecker 7,033 bceknru 7 28,417
26962 pogonophoran 7,035 aghnopr 7 28,416
26963 lucklessness 7,035 ceklnsu 7 28,415
26964 daffadillies 7,036 adefils 7 28,414
26965 mammillation 7,038 ailmnot 7 28,413
26966 auricularian 7,042 acilnru 7 28,410
26967 sorrowlessly 7,042 elorswy 7 28,412
26968 whiggishness 7,042 eghinsw 7 28,411
26969 bacchanalian 7,050 abchiln 7 28,409
26970 rememberably 7,051 abelmry 7 28,408
26971 resubscriber 7,054 bceirsu 7 28,407
26972 antigigmanic 7,055 acgimnt 7 28,406
26973 palatability 7,056 abilpty 7 28,405
26974 disillusions 7,056 dilnosu 7 28,404
26975 philadelphia 7,064 adehilp 7 28,403
26976 seismoscopic 7,069 ceimops 7 28,402
26977 concanavalin 7,071 acilnov 7 28,401
26978 substituting 7,071 bginstu 7 28,399
26979 cacogalactia 7,071 acgilot 7 28,400
26980 undisdaining 7,073 adginsu 7 28,398