12 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
27001 ichthyolitic 7,116 chiloty 7 28,377
27002 isosaccharic 7,117 achiors 7 28,375
27003 sacroischiac 7,117 achiors 7 28,376
27004 merosymmetry 7,119 emorsty 7 28,374
27005 phytophthora 7,121 ahoprty 7 28,373
27006 locomotility 7,125 cilmoty 7 28,371
27007 postphthisic 7,125 chiopst 7 28,372
27008 manumissions 7,126 aimnosu 7 28,370
27009 underrunning 7,128 deginru 7 28,369
27010 illegalising 7,130 aegilns 7 28,368
27011 slewingslews 7,131 egilnsw 7 28,366
27012 ignitibility 7,131 bgilnty 7 28,367
27013 unappealable 7,132 abelnpu 7 28,365
27014 noncolloidal 7,134 acdilno 7 28,364
27015 nonarrogancy 7,134 acgnory 7 28,363
27016 habitability 7,136 abhilty 7 28,362
27017 unappendaged 7,137 adegnpu 7 28,361
27018 libellulidae 7,139 abdeilu 7 28,360
27019 suppositions 7,139 inopstu 7 28,359
27020 procatarctic 7,142 acioprt 7 28,358