12 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
27821 insipidities 8,332 deinpst 7 27,557
27822 decrescendos 8,333 cdenors 7 27,556
27823 diadematoida 8,335 adeimot 7 27,555
27824 perimetritic 8,335 ceimprt 7 27,554
27825 shrewishness 8,337 ehinrsw 7 27,553
27826 isepiptesial 8,337 aeilpst 7 27,552
27827 incapacitate 8,339 aceinpt 7 27,551
27828 wavelessness 8,343 aelnsvw 7 27,550
27829 nesslerising 8,343 egilnrs 7 27,549
27830 illegalities 8,344 aegilst 7 27,548
27831 resipiscence 8,345 ceinprs 7 27,547
27832 persecutress 8,345 ceprstu 7 27,546
27833 predecessors 8,347 cdeoprs 7 27,545
27834 iridodonesis 8,348 deinors 7 27,543
27835 opisthotonos 8,348 hinopst 7 27,544
27836 indigitation 8,349 adginot 7 27,541
27837 wobegoneness 8,349 begnosw 7 27,542
27838 movelessness 8,351 elmnosv 7 27,540
27839 cassythaceae 8,351 acehsty 7 27,538
27840 mettlesomely 8,351 elmosty 7 27,539