12 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
27961 relentlessly 8,474 elnrsty 7 27,417
27962 standardness 8,476 adenrst 7 27,415
27963 inconcinnate 8,476 aceinot 7 27,416
27964 palamedeidae 8,478 adeilmp 7 27,414
27965 beneficences 8,478 bcefins 7 27,413
27966 bearableness 8,479 abelnrs 7 27,412
27967 throttlehold 8,482 dehlort 7 27,410
27968 unnotational 8,482 ailnotu 7 27,411
27969 reperforator 8,482 aefoprt 7 27,409
27970 peridiniidae 8,483 adeinpr 7 27,408
27971 reabbreviate 8,484 abeirtv 7 27,407
27972 entoptoscope 8,486 cenopst 7 27,406
27973 wistlessness 8,487 eilnstw 7 27,405
27974 metacercaria 8,488 aceimrt 7 27,402
27975 sentinelling 8,488 egilnst 7 27,403
27976 installation 8,488 ailnost 7 27,404
27977 terebratular 8,489 abelrtu 7 27,401
27978 illegitimate 8,489 aegilmt 7 27,400
27979 gamesomeness 8,490 aegmnos 7 27,398
27980 inadaptation 8,490 adinopt 7 27,399