12 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
27921 passemeasure 8,447 aemprsu 7 27,457
27922 resubstitute 8,448 beirstu 7 27,456
27923 gainlessness 8,450 aegilns 7 27,454
27924 matrilateral 8,450 aeilmrt 7 27,455
27925 totalization 8,452 ailnotz 7 27,452
27926 unionisation 8,452 ainostu 7 27,453
27927 endomesoderm 8,453 demnors 7 27,449
27928 trihemimeris 8,453 ehimrst 7 27,451
27929 abirritation 8,453 abinort 7 27,450
27930 zietrisikite 8,454 eikrstz 7 27,448
27931 sociogenesis 8,455 ceginos 7 27,447
27932 haemathermal 8,456 aehlmrt 7 27,446
27933 storytellers 8,459 elorsty 7 27,444
27934 trimargarate 8,459 aegimrt 7 27,445
27935 unendangered 8,460 adegnru 7 27,443
27936 antoninianus 8,460 ainostu 7 27,440
27937 saurauiaceae 8,460 aceirsu 7 27,442
27938 chaetotactic 8,460 acehiot 7 27,441
27939 antarctalian 8,460 acilnrt 7 27,439
27940 decisiveness 8,461 cdeinsv 7 27,438