12 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
27901 nonclearance 8,423 acelnor 7 27,478
27902 protonotions 8,425 inoprst 7 27,476
27903 rearwardness 8,426 adenrsw 7 27,475
27904 speedingness 8,428 deginps 7 27,474
27905 aftereffects 8,429 acefrst 7 27,473
27906 painlessness 8,429 aeilnps 7 27,472
27907 sanitization 8,430 ainostz 7 27,471
27908 levolimonene 8,431 eilmnov 7 27,470
27909 reacceptance 8,432 acenprt 7 27,469
27910 insecticides 8,432 cdeinst 7 27,468
27911 oarrowheaded 8,433 adehorw 7 27,467
27912 nonunitarian 8,434 ainortu 7 27,466
27913 wagelessness 8,435 aeglnsw 7 27,465
27914 desertlessly 8,441 delrsty 7 27,464
27915 notarization 8,441 ainortz 7 27,463
27916 irrevertible 8,442 beilrtv 7 27,462
27917 neurohormone 8,443 ehmnoru 7 27,461
27918 thalassinian 8,444 ahilnst 7 27,460
27919 incoronation 8,446 acinort 7 27,458
27920 mistressless 8,446 eilmrst 7 27,459