12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
17121 underoxidize 7,107 deinoruxz 9 17,121
17122 mercurialize 7,107 aceilmruz 9 17,125
17123 trachybasalt 7,107 abchlrsty 9 17,120
17124 abbreviating 7,107 abeginrtv 9 17,122
17125 buttonholing 7,107 bghilnotu 9 17,123
17126 unoptimistic 7,106 cimnopstu 9 17,128
17127 prepromoting 7,106 egimnoprt 9 17,131
17128 limnanthemum 7,106 aehilmntu 9 17,126
17129 protovillain 7,106 ailnoprtv 9 17,132
17130 hyperlipemia 7,106 aehilmpry 9 17,129
17131 improvisator 7,106 aimoprstv 9 17,130
17132 superimposed 7,106 deimoprsu 9 17,127
17133 unperemptory 7,105 emnoprtuy 9 17,136
17134 cavilingness 7,105 acegilnsv 9 17,134
17135 ribbonfishes 7,105 befhinors 9 17,133
17136 dichotomized 7,105 cdehimotz 9 17,135
17137 capitalising 7,104 acgilnpst 9 17,140
17138 palaeocosmic 7,104 aceilmops 9 17,139
17139 subgoverness 7,104 begnorsuv 9 17,137
17140 nonsynodical 7,104 acdilnosy 9 17,138