12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
17101 bibliothecal 7,111 abcehilot 9 17,103
17102 monopolistic 7,111 cilmnopst 9 17,100
17103 ophidologist 7,111 dghilopst 9 17,101
17104 utopographer 7,111 aeghoprtu 9 17,105
17105 unfairminded 7,111 adefimnru 9 17,102
17106 nonmalignity 7,110 agilmnoty 9 17,108
17107 tricophorous 7,110 chioprstu 9 17,106
17108 shockingness 7,110 ceghiknos 9 17,107
17109 chylopoiesis 7,110 cehilopsy 9 17,109
17110 homologating 7,109 aghilmnot 9 17,111
17111 somniloquies 7,109 eilmnoqsu 9 17,110
17112 cancellarius 7,108 aceilnrsu 9 17,114
17113 superinfused 7,108 definprsu 9 17,116
17114 hapaxanthous 7,108 ahnopstux 9 17,112
17115 prussianizer 7,108 aeinprsuz 9 17,115
17116 thoroughbred 7,108 bdeghortu 9 17,117
17117 agglutinogen 7,108 aegilnotu 9 17,113
17118 trichophobia 7,108 abchioprt 9 17,118
17119 ultrastylish 7,108 ahilrstuy 9 17,119
17120 harquebusier 7,107 abehiqrsu 9 17,124