12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
17141 acetylizable 7,103 abceiltyz 9 17,141
17142 cheimaphobia 7,103 abcehimop 9 17,142
17143 recompounded 7,103 cdemnopru 9 17,143
17144 microanatomy 7,102 acimnorty 9 17,147
17145 deoxygenized 7,102 deginoxyz 9 17,149
17146 gametogonium 7,102 aegimnotu 9 17,150
17147 nonvibrating 7,102 abginortv 9 17,148
17148 timberwright 7,102 beghimrtw 9 17,145
17149 unbarbarised 7,102 abdeinrsu 9 17,146
17150 subdeliliria 7,102 abdeilrsu 9 17,144
17151 decolourized 7,101 cdeiloruz 9 17,153
17152 alloxuraemia 7,101 aeilmorux 9 17,152
17153 microsystems 7,101 ceimorsty 9 17,154
17154 unoffendable 7,101 abdeflnou 9 17,155
17155 epionynychia 7,101 acehinopy 9 17,151
17156 sciuropterus 7,100 ceioprstu 9 17,160
17157 unterrifying 7,100 efginrtuy 9 17,157
17158 nonvicarious 7,100 acinorsuv 9 17,161
17159 zoomastigoda 7,100 adgimostz 9 17,158
17160 descendingly 7,100 cdegilnsy 9 17,156