12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
17161 polysyndeton 7,100 delnopsty 9 17,159
17162 phosphaturia 7,099 ahioprstu 9 17,163
17163 nonhazardous 7,099 adhnorsuz 9 17,162
17164 piroplasmata 7,098 ailmoprst 9 17,164
17165 terrifically 7,098 acefilrty 9 17,167
17166 rejuvenising 7,098 egijnrsuv 9 17,165
17167 squirarchies 7,098 acehiqrsu 9 17,166
17168 multisulcate 7,097 aceilmstu 9 17,170
17169 dismembering 7,097 bdegimnrs 9 17,169
17170 amidoplastid 7,097 adilmopst 9 17,171
17171 xylostromata 7,097 almorstxy 9 17,168
17172 myosclerosis 7,096 ceilmorsy 9 17,172
17173 overmanaging 7,095 aegimnorv 9 17,173
17174 undervillain 7,095 adeilnruv 9 17,174
17175 parsimonious 7,094 aimnoprsu 9 17,176
17176 multiplicate 7,094 aceilmptu 9 17,175
17177 auditorially 7,093 adilortuy 9 17,179
17178 obcompressed 7,093 bcdemoprs 9 17,178
17179 caricologist 7,093 acgilorst 9 17,180
17180 sandblasting 7,093 abdgilnst 9 17,177