12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
19741 bladderwrack 5,990 abcdeklrw 9 19,742
19742 unfusibility 5,990 bfilnstuy 9 19,743
19743 overprolixly 5,990 eiloprvxy 9 19,741
19744 rhythmically 5,989 achilmrty 9 19,745
19745 municipalism 5,989 acilmnpsu 9 19,744
19746 undreadfully 5,988 adeflnruy 9 19,746
19747 lithoglyphic 5,987 cghilopty 9 19,747
19748 disdainfully 5,986 adfilnsuy 9 19,749
19749 unimaginably 5,986 abgilmnuy 9 19,748
19750 ancylocladus 5,984 acdlnosuy 9 19,750
19751 platformally 5,982 aflmoprty 9 19,751
19752 hydrophobous 5,980 bdhoprsuy 9 19,752
19753 ungloriously 5,978 gilnorsuy 9 19,754
19754 subsizarship 5,978 abhiprsuz 9 19,753
19755 lasciviously 5,975 acilosuvy 9 19,755
19756 horrifyingly 5,974 fghilnory 9 19,757
19757 mycodomatium 5,974 acdimotuy 9 19,756
19758 paradoxology 5,973 adgloprxy 9 19,758
19759 schizothymic 5,973 chimostyz 9 19,759
19760 tubulifloral 5,972 abfilortu 9 19,760