12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
19781 liturgically 5,953 acgilrtuy 9 19,782
19782 unsuppliable 5,953 abeilnpsu 9 19,781
19783 bushfighting 5,952 bfghinstu 9 19,784
19784 marshmallowy 5,952 ahlmorswy 9 19,783
19785 pallographic 5,951 acghilopr 9 19,785
19786 prosopically 5,951 aciloprsy 9 19,786
19787 siphonoglyph 5,950 ghilnopsy 9 19,787
19788 unsingularly 5,949 agilnrsuy 9 19,788
19789 cyclopedical 5,947 acdeilopy 9 19,789
19790 unmeddlingly 5,946 degilmnuy 9 19,791
19791 unloquacious 5,946 acilnoqsu 9 19,790
19792 unsubmerging 5,945 begimnrsu 9 19,793
19793 macropyramid 5,945 acdimopry 9 19,792
19794 fallaciously 5,945 acfilosuy 9 19,794
19795 uniformizing 5,942 fgimnoruz 9 19,795
19796 supramaxilla 5,941 ailmprsux 9 19,796
19797 outwriggling 5,941 gilnortuw 9 19,797
19798 accumulating 5,940 acgilmntu 9 19,798
19799 vitalizingly 5,938 agilntvyz 9 19,800
19800 chalazogamic 5,938 acghilmoz 9 19,799