12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
19761 unvalorously 5,967 alnorsuvy 9 19,763
19762 crackability 5,967 abciklrty 9 19,762
19763 unchildishly 5,967 cdhilnsuy 9 19,761
19764 submissively 5,966 beilmsuvy 9 19,764
19765 persulphuric 5,966 cehilprsu 9 19,766
19766 minimuscular 5,966 acilmnrsu 9 19,765
19767 overjoyously 5,965 ejlorsuvy 9 19,767
19768 prepackaging 5,964 acegiknpr 9 19,770
19769 paludicolous 5,964 acdilopsu 9 19,768
19770 phyllocyanin 5,964 achilnopy 9 19,769
19771 crucifixions 5,963 cfinorsux 9 19,771
19772 prewillingly 5,960 egilnprwy 9 19,772
19773 probosciform 5,960 bcfimoprs 9 19,773
19774 macrodactyly 5,959 acdlmorty 9 19,774
19775 sanguifluous 5,957 afgilnosu 9 19,777
19776 nomophyllous 5,957 hlmnopsuy 9 19,776
19777 monophyllous 5,957 hlmnopsuy 9 19,775
19778 unforbidding 5,956 bdfginoru 9 19,778
19779 applausively 5,955 aeilpsuvy 9 19,780
19780 microvillous 5,955 cilmorsuv 9 19,779