12 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
27881 indefinitive 8,401 defintv 7 27,497
27882 nonrejoinder 8,402 deijnor 7 27,496
27883 postponement 8,403 emnopst 7 27,495
27884 nonremission 8,404 eimnors 7 27,494
27885 iconostasion 8,405 acinost 7 27,492
27886 marseillaise 8,405 aeilmrs 7 27,493
27887 instillation 8,407 ailnost 7 27,489
27888 sanguineness 8,407 aeginsu 7 27,491
27889 intimidation 8,407 adimnot 7 27,490
27890 dilatational 8,409 adilnot 7 27,488
27891 nonsurrender 8,411 denorsu 7 27,487
27892 extravertive 8,412 aeirtvx 7 27,486
27893 nassellarian 8,413 aeilnrs 7 27,485
27894 portraitists 8,414 aioprst 7 27,484
27895 momentaneall 8,414 aelmnot 7 27,483
27896 nondictation 8,418 acdinot 7 27,482
27897 resourceless 8,419 celorsu 7 27,481
27898 uninstituted 8,420 deinstu 7 27,480
27899 teleprompter 8,421 elmoprt 7 27,479
27900 uncontinence 8,423 ceinotu 7 27,477