12 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
27861 secessionism 8,373 ceimnos 7 27,517
27862 preinventive 8,374 einprtv 7 27,516
27863 incalescence 8,378 aceilns 7 27,515
27864 antivitalist 8,379 ailnstv 7 27,514
27865 vandiemenian 8,379 adeimnv 7 27,513
27866 vitilitigate 8,380 aegiltv 7 27,512
27867 wifelessness 8,381 efilnsw 7 27,511
27868 catechetical 8,382 acehilt 7 27,510
27869 associations 8,382 acinost 7 27,509
27870 protoneutron 8,390 enoprtu 7 27,508
27871 noninfection 8,391 cefinot 7 27,507
27872 menispermine 8,392 eimnprs 7 27,506
27873 fiendishness 8,394 defhins 7 27,505
27874 intagliation 8,396 agilnot 7 27,504
27875 nonnegligent 8,397 egilnot 7 27,502
27876 overtortured 8,397 deortuv 7 27,503
27877 azotetrazole 8,398 aelortz 7 27,500
27878 sneerfulness 8,398 eflnrsu 7 27,501
27879 brilliolette 8,399 beilort 7 27,499
27880 condescender 8,400 cdenors 7 27,498